Frequently Asked Questions


Answers to our most asked questions are just one click away!

Please review our store policy pages for more information

Shipping Policy & Return/Refund Policy


How do I cancel my order?

If order cancelation is needed, please contact Hello@hpms.com.

Be sure to include your order number and first and last name.

When will my credit card be charged?

Your credit card will be charged at the time of purchase.

Do you accept Purchase Orders?

Yes! Please review over to our Purchase Order page for more information.

Amazon Orders

Amazon requires all buyer/seller communication to be done
through Amazon. Please use Amazon Messages for further contact with the seller. A customer service agent may further assist you through Amazon

Has my order shipped?

Be sure to check your account for shipping information. Tracking information will be sent via email once your order has shipped.

Questions? Contact our Customer Care Team at Hello@hpms.com.

I need to modify my Shipping Address

Please contact our Customer Care Team at hello@hpms.com

Do you have gift cards?

Yes! Click Here

Shipping & Delivery

Do you ship internationally?

At this time we ship to the United States and Canada. We ship within the 48 contiguous United States as well as Alaska and Hawaii.

How long will it take to get my order?

Delivery estimates are calculated in business days (Monday - Friday - excl. holidays) & are a product of two factors; processing time + transit time.

Typically, orders take 1-2 business days in processing, however, some items may have additional processing time. Please refer to your order confirmation for processing time information. Transit time is dependent upon the shipping method selected at checkout. Tracking details will be sent via email.

Review our Shipping Policy for additional information.

Can I pick up my order?

Yes! We offer free local In-Store Pickup. Be sure to choose Local In-Store Pick-Up as your preferred shipping method at checkout. We will notify you as soon as your product is ready for pick up.

We are located at 128 Rockingham Rd, Windham, NH, 03087.

Where do I find my tracking?

Tracking will be sent via email or phone number once your order has shipped. Be sure to check your inbox and junk folders for this email.

In-Store Pickup orders will be notified via email when your order is available for pickup.

Or log in to your account on HPMS.com to review the status of your order.

My order never arrived

If tracking displays that your order delivered, first check around the delivery location, contact the shipper to confirm they delivered the package to the correct location. If your package(s) show a "delivered" status, but you didn't receive it, don't hesitate to contact customer service for assistance. Email us at hello@hpms.com. Be sure to leave a detailed message that includes your name, address, order number.

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping is calculated at checkout. Simply add items to your cart and proceed to the Checkout page where you will be offered Shipping Method choices and their prices.

My order never arrived.

Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If your order displays your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a "delivered" status, don't hesitate to contact out Customer Care Team, for assistance. Email us at hello@hpms.com or call us at 603-898-3909 and leave a detailed message that includes your name, address, order number, and telephone where you can be reached if necessary.


What is your return policy?

Eligible returns must be in new, unused, and resalable condition and returned within the 30-day return window. Items showing signs of use will not be eligible for return or refund.

To return a product, contact customer service at hello@hpms.com to request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA).

Please review our Return/Refund Policy before placing an order.

Can I return my product if I used it?

We do not accept returns of used items. If the item is returned showing signs of use, we regret that your order will no longer be eligible for a refund. Please refer to our Return Policy.

Do you offer exchanges

Unfortunately, we do not offer exchanges.

How do I return my order?

Contact our customer service email, Hello@hpms.com to request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA).

Is my order eligible for return?

Please review our Return/Refund Policy for more information. Contact our Customer Care Team at hello@hpms.com if you have questions.

Special Order Items

Unfortunately, Special Order Items are non-returnable and non-refundable per our posted return policy.

Final Sale Items

Unfortunately, Final Sale Items are non-returnable and non-refundable per our posted return policy.

When will I receive my refund?

Please allow 5 business days from receipt of return for refund processing.

Please note, your bank may have a processing time before the refund will post to your account. 


How can I contact HPMS Inc.?

The best way to contact us is via email, at hello@hpms.com.

See our contact page for more contact methods. We are happy to assist you!

What are your business hours?

Our business hours are 9 am to 4 pm EST, Monday through Friday (excluding all major holidays).

Chat hours are 9 am to 3 pm EST, Monday through Friday (excluding all major holidays).

To reach us please email or chat (using your email or phone number) and we will be sure to get back to you!

Can you provide sizing or product recommendations?

While we understand that you have questions, this would be better directed towards your healthcare provider or medical professional as we cannot provide medical recommendations.

Do you bill insurance?

No. We do not participate in 3rd party billing.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, shop pay, paypal, apple pay, meta pay and google pay.

Do you offer discounts?

Check out our Coupons page for current offers!

Do you offer quantity discounts or bulk pricing?

Please contact our Customer Care Team at hello@hpms.com

Product Pricing and Discount Coupon Disclaimer

We make every effort to ensure product prices, product information, and order totals on our site are correct when the order is placed.

We do not make clinical recommendations regarding the appropriateness of any item we sell. We do not offer trial periods or guarantee therapeutic results. Information herein is for reference only and is not intended to be a substitution for the advice of your health care professional. We discourage buyers from using the information on this site for self-diagnosis or self-treatment and encourage consultation with your healthcare clinician before purchase. We assume no liability of any type for buyer's choices. Buyers who are self-treating do so at their own risk.

The prices on this website are not intended to guarantee prices. All information and prices on this website are subject to change without notice. All discounts or promotional codes are for single use only, and discounts, coupons, or other promotional offers cannot be combined, added to, or layered in any one order. We reserve the right to refuse multiple orders which intend to violate an unfairly utilize our discounts.

Again, while we make every genuine effort to provide you with the most accurate, up-to-date information and prices, occasionally, an item on our website may be mispriced.

HPMS, Inc. reserves the right to refuse to honor any price, discounts, or coupons misapplied by the site logistics and deducted in error. HPMS, Inc. reserves the right to refuse to fill any order or process any incorrectly priced individual item or total order price.

Other Product Disclaimers

While we work to ensure that product information on our site is accurate and correct, on occasion manufacturers may alter their ingredient lists, change product materials, update their packaging or make other changes. Actual products or packaging and materials may contain more or less or be different than the information that is shown on our website. We strongly recommend that you do not solely rely on the information presented on our website if you are self-treating a medical condition. We suggest that you visit the product manufacturer's site if you need more detailed product information or contact the manufacturer directly if you have questions or concerns that are not addressed on our website. We ask that you carefully read the listing information we do provide as well as product labels, warnings, and directions before using or consuming any of the medically related products we offer.

Content on this site is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, therapist, pharmacist, or any other licensed healthcare professional. You should not use this information to self-diagnose or for treating an undiagnosed health problem or disease. Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you suspect that you have a concerning medical problem.

We do not offer trial periods on the products we sell. We do not make recommendations that any product we sell is medically appropriate for any user's medical condition. We do not guarantee therapeutic results

We do not manufacture the products we sell. If you have questions about a manufacturer warranty those should be addressed directly with the product manufacturer.

We assume no liability for inaccuracies or misstatements about products.

Any more questions?

Email us at hello@hpms.com and we will happily assist you!